# A Basic Hugo Theme While the official documentation about Hugo [Templates](https://gohugo.io/templates/) does provide all of the pieces to get started creating a theme, it doesn't necessarily put them together in one, easy-to-see-together place. This theme attempts to pull all of the necessary pieces together into a theme that can be used as a starting point to create more sophisticated themes. ## Getting Started Follow the [Hugo Quickstart](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) instructions on how to install Hugo, create a site, and install a theme. Installing the theme as a git submodule is the preferred way. ``` git add submodule https://git.thecorams.net/kevin/basic-theme.git themes/basic-theme ``` ### Example Site The theme includes an example site to give a quick way to see how the theme looks and behaves. ``` cd exampleSite hugo serve [ -D ] --themesDir ../.. ``` Most of the sample posts are intentionally set `draft: true` to allow for testing few posts vs many posts. ## Setup As a very basic theme, there is very little to be configured in ones `config.toml` file. The layout files uses Hugo's `markdownify` pipe to display the `copyright` configuration setting, providing support both for HTML5 character escape sequences such as `©` as well as markdwn formatting and links. The only non-standard configuration setting is the `subtitle` parameter: ```toml [params] subtitle = "A sub-title for your site" ``` ## Theme Organization ### Semantic Content Organization The chrome of the theme page organization is as follows: ```html Site Title

Site Title

Site Sub-title

Content Title

``` If the content pages use `##` as their largest heading, this will result in document outlines structured as: 1. Site Title 1. Site Sub-title 2. Content Title 1. Header from Content 1. Sub-header from content 2. Second Header from Content