Stronger statement about potential problem with tying form creation to component rendering

Kevin C. Coram 2020-01-08 22:05:08 -05:00
rodzic 8802b52e54
commit f1344707e7
Podpisane przez: kevin
ID klucza GPG: 0342351B3D61AD35
1 zmienionych plików z 1 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -78,6 +78,6 @@ Calling `this.parent.addControl(....)` is what ensures that the controls created
## Cons
- The creation of the form controls is tightly coupled with the templates
- The creation of the form controls is tightly coupled with the templates, to the point that if a child component is not rendered for some reason, the form controls won't exist either.
- Since each child component encapsulates its form controls, the overall shape of the form data is not always clear