# Parent Component Creates Form ; Child Components Define Structure Another approach for refactoring a component into child sub-components where the parent component is responsible for creating the entre Reactive Form would be to define static factory methods within each child component rather than within a full-fledged service. As with the [Parent Component Creates Form and Passes Form Controls Into Child Components (Global Form)](../global-form/README.md) approach, the appropriate form controls would be passed into the children. In many ways, this approach is a hybrid between the Parent Form and Global Form approaches. ```typescript export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { contact: Contact; form: FormGroup; private subscription: Subscription; constructor(private service: ContactService, private fb: FormBuilder) {} public ngOnInit() { this.subscription = this.service .loadContact() .subscribe((data: Contact) => { this.contact = data; this.form = this.fb.group({ name: NameComponent.buildForm(data.name), addresses: AddressListComponent.buildForm(data.addresses), }); }); } } ``` The HTML templating will be identical to the Global Form approach. ## Static Form Builder Methods Rather than having a separate factory service, this approach uses static methods on each of the child sub-classes. This approach intentionally couples the logic for creating a sub-form structure with the component that would display it, keeping the logic in one place rather than separating it between components and an otherwise unrelated service. The rule-of-thumb in this approach is that the component which needs to display the form to a user will best know what the structure of that form needs to be. ### Name Component ```typescript static buildForm(name: Name): FormGroup { return new FormGroup({ firstName: new FormControl(name ? name.firstName : ''), lastName: new FormControl(name ? name.lastName : ''), middleName: new FormControl(name ? name.middleName : ''), prefix: new FormControl(name ? name.prefix : ''), suffix: new FormControl(name ? name.suffix : ''), }); } ``` ### Address List Component ```typescript static buildForm(addresses: Address[]): FormArray { const list: FormArray = new FormArray([]); if (addresses) { addresses.forEach(addr => { list.push(AddressComponent.buildForm(addr)); }); } return list; } ``` ### Address Component ```typescript static buildForm(addr: Address): FormGroup { return new FormGroup({ line1: new FormControl(addr ? addr.line1 : ''), line2: new FormControl(addr ? addr.line2 : ''), city: new FormControl(addr ? addr.city : ''), state: new FormControl(addr ? addr.state : ''), postalCode: new FormControl(addr ? addr.postalCode : ''), }); } ``` ## Pros - The child components encapsulate the form controls and their display, while keeping the form creation logic separate from the actual template rendering - The child components can easily be re-used ## Cons - The overall shape of the form from the parent component's perspective is not always clear