* Add max width to `figure` so it won't exceed the viewport width for either break-point
* Add max width to `img` within `figure` to account for the default 40px margin on the left/right
* Set width for `pre` blocks so they won't exceed the viewport width for either break-point; add a horizontal scroll-bar if the text is too wide
* Set `pre code` block to use `display:block` so long text won't cause the block to render too wide; otherwise, the width of the containing `pre` block won't be sufficient to contain the text
* Split the copyright and the "built with" text into separate configs
* Style footer with smaller text
* Add a thin border separating footer from rest of page
* Remove the list item bullets
* Put some padding between the list items
* Style the navigation area to be a flex box, with item wrapping
* Add a decorative border to the navigation area
* Update baseof to add block for styling
* Default styles block to link in layout.css and style.css
* Update baseof to add block for importing icons from a CSS font library
* Update baseof to add an aside block to the main content to put author
card in
* Create author card with a photo, author name, and general locale
* Create beginning of a social network link ribbon