# A Hugo Theme Using HTML5 Semantics and IndieWeb Integration This theme is a fork of [My Basic Theme](https://git.thecorams.net/kevin/basic-theme), adding additional HTML5 semantics, a more responsive site design, and [IndieWeb](https://indieweb.org/) [microformats](http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page). ## Getting Started Follow the [Hugo Quickstart](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) instructions on how to install Hugo, create a site, and install a theme. Installing the theme as a git submodule is the preferred way. ``` git submodule add https://git.thecorams.net/kevin/semantic-indieweb.git themes/semantic-indieweb ``` ### Example Site The theme includes an example site to give a quick way to see how the theme looks and behaves. ``` cd exampleSite hugo serve [ -D ] --themesDir ../.. ``` Most of the sample posts are intentionally set `draft: true` to allow for testing few posts vs many posts. ## Configuration The footer layout file uses Hugo's `markdownify` pipe to display the `copyright` configuration setting, providing support both for HTML character escape sequences such as `©` as well as markdwn formatting and links. Note: Hugo versions 0.60.0 and up will have restrictions on using embedded HTML, including escape secquences, unless the Goldmark renderer is configure with `unsafe = true`. ### `subtitle` parameter Setting the `subtitle` parameter adds a secondary header underneath the `title` in the site header. ```toml [params] subtitle = "A sub-title for your site" ``` ### `mainSections` parameter Setting the `mainSections` parameter restricts the pages that appear on the homepage. ```toml [params] mainSections = ["posts"] ``` ### IndieWeb / IndieAuth Identities The theme includes support for adding `rel="me"` links to the HTML head of every page. Such links help tie together the sites one owns, as well as provide support for [IndieAuth](https://www.w3.org/TR/indieauth/) authentication. These links can be configured by including one or more `params.Identity` blocks: ```toml [[params.Identity]] type = "some-type" value = "identity" authn = false ``` The current set of known types are: - Email - The `value` should be a valid e-mail address which could be used for IndieAuth authentication - GitHub - The `value` should be a valid GitHub user name - GitLab - The `value` should be a valid GitLab user name - Twitter - The `value` should be a valid Twitter user name - MicroBlog - The `value` should be a valid MicroBlog user name - PGP - The `value` should be a valid URL to the site owner's public PGP key The IndieAuth standard allows the site author to specify which of the `rel="me"` links should be preferred for authentication. If the `authn` parameter for an identity is set to `true`, the link will be generated as `rel="me authn"`. As explained on [https://indielogin.com/setup](https://indielogin.com/setup): > If any of your `rel="me"` links also include `authn` in the list of rels, > then IndieLogin.com will only use the links with `authn`, and will no longer > consider your plain `rel="me"` links as authentication options. ### IndieWeb h-card The theme includes a "card" for displaying the site author's photo (or a logo image for the site), the author's name, and the author's rough location. The data in the card is marked up with [h-card](http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card) microformats, for integration with IndieWeb-aware sites and tools. ```toml # Configuration Parameters for IndieWeb h-card [params.Card] Author = "Site Author Name" Photo = "images/picture-o.svg" Locality = "City/Town/Village" Region = "State/County/Province" Country = "Country Name" ``` #### Social Network Links The theme will render a ribbon of icon links to other sites beneath the author's location information. The theme comes bundled with [Fork Awesome v1.1.7](https://forkaweso.me/Fork-Awesome/). Any of the icons provided by Fork Awesome can easily be used. For example, to add a link to one's Twitter profile, add a configuration block that uses the Fork Awesome twitter icon: ```toml [[params.Social]] profile = "https://twitter.com/twitter-user-name" icon = "fa fa-twitter" ``` The icon/font library being used can be overriden by creating a site-specific `icons.html` partial. Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Fontello, and many other icon/font libraries all support embedding an icon using similar CSS class names, which can be used in the `icon = "...."` configuration. In addition to the `profile` and `icon` pairs, there is also support for e-mail links and PGP key file links with the PGP fingerprint as a toolip: ```toml [[params.Social]] email = "email@example.com" icon = "fa fa-envelope-o" [[params.Social]] publicKey = "pgp_key_file.txt" fingerprint = "AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD" icon = "fa fa-key" ``` ### Configuring Webmentions [Webmention](https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/) and/or [Pingback](http://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback) support can easily be configured by including the endpoint URL: ```toml [params] Webmention = "https://example.org/webmention" Pingback = "https://example.org/pingpack" ``` ## Theme Organization ### Semantic Content Organization The chrome of the theme page organization is as follows: ```html Site Title

Site Title

Site Sub-title

Content Title

``` If the content pages use `##` as their largest heading, this will result in document outlines structured as: 1. Site Title 1. Site Sub-title 2. Content Title 1. Header from Content 1. Sub-header from content 2. Second Header from Content ### Hugo Templating The template layout files make heavy use of Hugo's [base and block constructs](https://gohugo.io/templates/base/), as can be seen in [baseof.html](layouts/_default/baseof.html). #### title This block is used for generating the `....` markup for the rendered page and defaults to using the `title` configuration from `comfig.toml`. The [list](layouts/_default/list.html) and [single](layouts/_default/single.html) templates add the page title, to facilitate generating a unique title for every page. #### site-header This block is for providing a site banner that will appear at the top of every page, and matches with the primary `
` definition from the semantic organization, above. The default site-header block displays the [header.html](layouts/partials/header.html) partial. #### site-menu This block is for providing a site-level navigation, which also appears at the top of every page. It renders in the `` block within the primary header. The default site-meny block displays the [site-menu](layouts/partials/site-menu.html) partial. #### content-header This block is for providing a header for the specific page, matching with the header block inside the `
....<\main>` definition from the semantic organization. The [list](layouts/_default/list.html) and [single](layouts/_default/single.html) templates display the page title as a `


` level header. #### content-menu This block is for providing navigation menu(s) for the main content, matching with the `` block inside the main header. The block is currently a place holder, with no default implementation. #### content This block is for the content of the page. For [list](layouts/_default/list.html) pages, the content from the section's `_index.md` will be rendered, followed by a list of all of the pages within the section, using the [summary](layouts/_default/summary.html) template. For [single](layouts/_default/single.html) pages, the page content will be rendered inside an `
` block element. #### content-footer This block provides a footer for the page, which renders within the `` block at the end of the `
` section. The default content-footer blocks for the homepage and for list pages implement pagination controls to show the content summaries a page at a time. The default content-footer block for single pages displays previous and/or next in section links. #### footer This block is for the site footer that appears at the end of every pages. The default footer block displays the [footer.html](layouts/partials/footer.html) partial. ## References ### HTML5 Semantics - [Semantic HTML](https://internetingishard.com/html-and-css/semantic-html/) - [HTML5 Semantic Elements](https://guide.freecodecamp.org/html/html5-semantic-elements/) - [A Look Into Proper HTML5 Semantics](https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/html-5-semantics/amp/) - [HTML5 Semantic Tags: What Are They & How To Use Them! - SEMrush](https://www.semrush.com/blog/semantic-html5-guide/) ### Responsive Design / CSS - [Realizing common layouts using CSS Grid Layout](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Grid_Layout/Realizing_common_layouts_using_CSS_Grid_Layout) - [Create a responsive layout with CSS Grid](https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/create-a-responsive-layout-with-css-grid) - [Make the Perfect Responsive Grid with CSS](https://coder-coder.com/make-responsive-grid-css/) ## Acknowledgements - [Indigo Theme](https://github.com/AngeloStavrow/indigo) - Inspiration for implementation of IndieWeb Identity hooks